picking up the brush

When I was 45, I started painting again. For years, I'd buy art supplies and dream of calling myself an artist, but I was blocked when it came to putting brush to canvas.

When my dad passed away in 2015, his easel, brushes, acrylic paints, and canvases found their new home with me. About a year later, I decided to quit drinking, and with newly discovered evening hours to spare, I started painting. After filling a few canvases, I began to suspect I was an oil girl, but I was intimidated by where to begin. Trepidatiously I signed up for an oil-painting course taught by Renee Balfour at the local art center. Renee is a phenomenal teacher. Patient, informative, and encouraging. I studied with Renee once a week for the next few years until the pandemic. 

The Child (or Baby Yoda) is the last painting I completed while classes were still in session. This painting of baby Yoda buoyed my confidence to a point where I was ready to try portraits. In 2022, I'm challenging myself to be more visible, and I'll be sharing more creations in the coming months. 


the way back

